Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Some Road Side Romeo Poetry (Sanskrit)

A Sanskrit poem by me. Grammar is ok. I checked.

कन्दारत्न, भाग्यवान् पुरुषाः अभवन् ते
भवतेः वक्त्रस्य दर्शनाय अलभन्त
महालय तक्षेयुः स्म्रितेः॥

Kandāratnā, bhāgyavānam puruṣaā abhavan te
bhavaḥte vaktraysā darshanāye alabhant
māhālaye taksheyuh smritey


Most excellent young girl,
Lucky were the men
who were blessed with a vision of you...
they should build a temple in memory of the experience
which is nothing less than religious...


Word Meanings:
Kandāratnā - Most excellent young girl; bhāgyavānam - Lucky; puruṣaā - Men; abhavan te - (were, those); bhavaḥte vaktraysā - You/Your Face; darshanāye - vision of; alabhant - were; Māhālaye - Temple; takesheyuh - Build; Smritey - Memory.

Saturday, March 28, 2009



She is poetry in motion
a walking symphony
a graceful naiad
an elegant meander
in a sparkling river

She is
curvaceous elegance
a gentle whisper
a delicate accent
a magical whirl
in a delightful breeze

She is synchronicity
a mysterious deja vu
a cosmic sruti
a transcendental wiggle
(that leaves you begging!)

She is
mesmerising presence
her sorcery
a natural emanation

Amazing that
exquisite beauty
walks this earth.
