She is poetry in motion
a walking symphony
a graceful naiad
an elegant meander
in a sparkling river
She is
curvaceous elegance
a gentle whisper
a delicate accent
a magical whirl
in a delightful breeze
She is synchronicity
a mysterious deja vu
a cosmic sruti
a transcendental wiggle
(that leaves you begging!)
She is
mesmerising presence
her sorcery
a natural emanation
Amazing that
exquisite beauty
walks this earth.
the image fits the poem beautifully!
A very artistic conception of imagery...Good work Vikram!
Nice love poem...u were in love..
Great site just discovered it. Will look much further .. thanks so much Vikram.
Malcolm Wilkes ( Cornwall England )
One of the best love poems I've seen. Great blog!
Very beautiful poem. Would love to see a photo of the girl you wrote this poem for.
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