The tree lives in you
the beautiful music lives in you
the greenery lives in you
and that is why they live outside of you
The air lives in you
that is why it lives outside of you
sustains you every second
it will never go away
even if you do not thank it
because that's its job.
Life's job is to keep you alive
and it will.
An interesting question asked in a Philosophy Group I participate in sometimes.
"Why do we breathe?"
I believe breathing is a manifestation of a very deep, seamless connection we have with our environment. A living connection. It keeps us alive.
In fact, from what can be referred to as the LIVING PERSPECTIVE, it may not be wrong to compare "a human living on earth", with "a child in the womb".
If phrases like 'deep interconnectedness' and 'sustainability' are used as the guiding perspectives, then it is easy to see the above mentioned parallel.
The unborn child emerges from the material of the womb, and lives in a state of deep connectedness with the womb. Gets blood, oxygen, nutrition from it, which is the unborn child's complete universe.
The unborn child's connection with its environment is a living connection.
The earth sustains us in the same way. Breath, food, shelter from extreme forces, pressures, temperatures and killer radiation that lie beyond the earth's atmosphere.
Our connection with our environment is a living connection.
Some hindus hold the perspective that the entire cosmos is a womb.
And when the human becomes sufficiently developed, he exits the earth-womb, but only to enter a different womb.
Perhaps what we perceive as death is childbirth into something newer. Death of the caterpillar is birth of the butterfly. The paradigm shifts. The environment changes.
If you have seen Stanley Kubrick's movie 'A Space Odyssey', in this movie, in the final scene - the STARCHILD is shown. An unborn child in open, deep space.
This unborn child represents the next stage in human evolution. And by putting him in outer space, Kubrick is trying to instill the cosmic womb perspective.
Question: So why use the word 'WOMB' in place of the word 'environment'. What use is it?
Answer: The word 'environment' is a detached, clinical viewpoint. It's not wrong, but it's not sufficient to explain life.
'WOMB' is a word that points to the existence of deep feelings of nurture. And since life cannot be founded on anything except feelings, the word 'WOMB' instills the living perspective.
The tree lives in you
the beautiful music lives in you
the wind lives in you
the thunder lives in you
the greenery lives in you
food shelter drinking water
nurture, air
all live in you
and that is why they live around you
Attached images:
1. Painting by artist Sonali Chaudhari of Feminine Creations
2. StarChild image from Stanley Kubrick's 'A Space Odyssey'(1967).