Showing posts with label Osho Rajneesh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Osho Rajneesh. Show all posts

Monday, November 27, 2006


This post highlights the difference between addictive clinging and real love. It was written when I was drunk. Read on...
Here's some lyrics by Barbra Streisand from her song 'woman in love'.

I am a woman in love
And I'll do anything
To get you into my world
And hold you within
It's a right I defend
Over and over again
What do I do?

I am a woman in love
And I'm talking to you
Do you know how it feels?
What a woman can do
It's a right I defend
over and over again..
what lyrics...... :-/

"I'll do anything to get you into my world and hold you within, its a right I defend over and over again."
Sounds like 'I'm planning to plant my flag on your ass, its a right I defend, over and over again". Wtf is 'its a right I defend'? Right my ass. And I'll say this. Over and over again.

"I stumble and fall, but I give you it all."
Keeping in with the spirit of the song, what she really means is "I stumble and fall, but I'll plant my flag on your ass after all".

"Do you know how it feels? what a woman can do?"
Hell I know EXACTLY what a woman can do if its a woman like you. Because I've experienced it first hand. Do you know how THAT feels?

Ms. Streisand's song is a typical example of what Eckhart Tolle calls 'addictive clinging that humans call love'.

Someone should introduce Ms. Streisand to Osho Rajneesh, who repeatedly says 'possess by not possessing'.

Or to Scott Peck who says 'Love is separateness'.

Eckhart Tolle [paraphrased]: "Love is not a portal into anything. Love is what starts flowing through you, as your connection with the formless dimension starts re-forming."

This is the sanest thing I've ever heard. And it points something. That some degree of spiritual growth is necessary before love can be given/experienced. A person who finds security in his/her connection with the cosmos is perhaps the only one who can give love. The rest of us, well, we are unfortunately not that blessed. We are in the grip of 'addictive clinging'.

Some more lyrics:

I'll close my eyes and then I won't see
The love you don't feel, when you're holding me
Morning will come, and I'll do what's right
Just give me till then, to give up this fight
And I will give up this fight..
Wonderful words that have no trace of the 'addictive clinging' quality. Very well sung by George Michael, in the song 'I cant make you love me' from his album 'older'. Lyrics by a lady named Bonnie Rights or something.

None of George Michael's love songs (own or borrowed) have the addictive clinging quality to them. Not even one. That's a sign of a being on the verge of awakening, on the verge of enlightenment.

His high degree of spiritual evolution is also evident in the following lyrics from his song 'the strangest thing':

"Take my life...time has been twisting the knife...I don't recognise the people I care for...there's a liar in my head, there's a thief upon my bed, and the strangest thing is I cannot seem to get my eyes open...please don't analyse...please just be there for me."

Words of wisdom. These lyrics suggest that perhaps the condition of George Michael's ego has finally entered George Michael's awareness. The seed has been planted.

Here is the wonderful George Michael number, 'I can't make you love me'. Worth listening to. Wonderful experience. Switch off those lights and close your eyes. ;-)

I was just listening to 'Love is a battlefield' by Pat Benatar....and I'm like...'wha..?' Why should love be a battlefield? Sex may be a battlefield ;-) but why should love be a battlefield? Humans have made everything a battlefield. If its a battlefield, I don't know what it is, but its not love.

George Michael, in his song 'Father Figure' sings 'If you are the desert, I'll be the sea....if you ever hunger, hunger for me'. This line is a good example of the (necessary) separation between two lovers. Beautiful lyrics by George Michael.

So Scott Peck writes of separateness, Osho Rajneesh writes of separateness (possess by not possessing). George Michael says the same thing. Eckhart Tolle says the same thing -- Do not try to possess your lover, do not be an addictive clinger. Your lover is a distinct person, not an extension of your ego, not your toy. Find security in yourself and your life, and then relate to your lover like a mature person - one who does not try to possess, is not jealous, and does not drain the other emotionally.