Showing posts with label Future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Future. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Fear of the Future


From thoughts emerge the driving force
From the driving force emerge situations
If thoughts are busy justifying the negative
Then the negative is empowered
And the negative will dominate

Life is not a linear line
From negativity sometimes
good things can emerge spontaneously

Does not mean we go jump off a building
or knife someone

It only means
there is hope that the negativity
can sometimes lead to
positive results.

Unexpected positive results.

There is a black hole
at the center
of every galaxy...

Without the black hole
The galaxy wouldn't be..

The black hole moves
from point to point

You never know which footstep will bring a good twist in life.
So keep on walking.
Happiness comes when it is most unexpected.

Good insights.. (Teal Swan)
Jeff Foster is yet another teacher with excellent insights into fear.