Showing posts with label Sorrow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sorrow. Show all posts

Monday, September 07, 2009

The Expression of Healing...

I'm back, after a long gap of 6 months...will update once a week, at least, from now on.

Was discussing the frightful level of loneliness and lack of authenticity in human life with a friend.

There is a severe lack of substance in human interactions. Which leads to a host of problems for EVERYONE.

Too much polite conversation is bad for health. Lack of proper expression of how one feels leads to a severely restricted flow of life within us...

We often think we can express ourselves to a "REAL" friend...but years of repression and polite, careful conversation turns into a habit. We are unable to express. And if we do succeed in expressing things to a friend, it leaves us feeling afraid, vulnerable...

So what is the answer? The answer lies in finding a channel for expressing SORROW...

The basic concept:

Fundamental to healing is catharsis. Slow or fast. It does not matter. As long as the catharsis happens.

Expression of sorrow is catharsis. All the emotions that the body has repressed, if they start flowing again, it leads to health.

So crying is actually a GOOD thing.

Through pain and tears, strength and life appear...and nothing heals like the graceful expression of sorrow...

K.D. Lang peforms "Crying", originally by Roy Orbison. Beautiful performance by a saintly presence...

Beautiful performance by a saintly presence...

Saturday, October 13, 2007


This photo reminds me of a poem I wrote, in my younger years.


Something in me dies
As I see you sit there
Trying to suppress tears
Lost in silent despair...

What are you?

Victimised purity?
A crazy mystery?

Or just a hollow façade
Trying to entrench an identity?