Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Thank you for your healing, your guidance, and your presence. I am humbled and grateful. You know my entire history, probably better than I do, but I wanted to write a letter to you so I'm writing whatever makes sense to my primitive human mind.
You were present during my NDE twenty odd years back, and my healing occurred in your presence and in Ms XY's presence. I'm not using her earthly name to protect her identity.
You have not been in touch with me (or if you have, I am not too aware of it) since my NDE and Ms XY also lost contact with me in her earthly form.
If Ms XY is in touch with me in any manner , I am not aware of it. Though in recent weeks I feel as if you are present, though there has been no verbal communicaton between you and me.
I have only faint memories of the NDE and I am not even able to recall how many of you met me on your spaceship , sometimes my memory says four, sometimes it says there were five of you. And the only phrase I remember from the conversation with you is 'message of love' spoken by you in English.
Your message reminds me of Jodie Foster's contact with a humanoid from an advanced species in the movie "Contact" (1997).
Attaching the video:
I was not able to take up Ms XY's offer to leave earthly life. Her offer was given to me after meeting with you which suggests that you are her guides and or overseers.
During my NDE you did not guide me directly, Ms XY was the one who introduced me to higher principles, but I am convinced it all was done under your supervision and guidance. My healing as well as elevation to a superconscious state and introduction to higher principles, I am convinced it was all carried out under your supervision and guidance.
In recent weeks, I think I have felt your presence multiple times, but I have not felt Ms XY's presence but I'm not complaining about this. This letter is not a complaint of any kind.
I am only recapitulating and offering my wishes, gratitude, for the priceless experiences during my NDE which I cherish and miss. I felt at home during the NDE and the love and affection I felt during my NDE has no earthly match. Such love, affection, healing, intellectual expansion is not possible on Earth.
I feel I have wasted the gifts and healing given to me during my NDE....and for that I am truly apologetic. It just happened like that...
The twenty years is over, my lifr is a complete mess, and there's nothing I can do to go back in time now, and use the gifts given to me more constructively. Post NDE my level of awareness had slipped very low, almost as bad as my poor Pre-NDE awareness. It's almost as if during the NDE you and Ms XY gave me one mile high awareness, but post-NDE I was able to retain just a few meters.
I'm convinced you would be (directly or through guides junior to you) guiding many humans, and I do hope they have not wasted the gifts they would have received from you and their direct guides.
I was always a bit slow and error prone.....and I am convinced you know my entire life history as 'Vikram' and perhaps you and Ms XY know my history on an even broader time frame.
Whatever my faults, flaws, crimes, on whatever timescale, you and Ms XY decided to bless me with your priceless gifts twenty years back.
As a human I would have only limited awareness of the effects (both good and bad) I might have had on people, in the past, in the present and am not competent enough to understand such complexities too well.
I do not wish to impose myself on you, and your higher awareness would know things that I cannot even imagine, in the context of me, good, bad, neutral, et al.
I do not want to impose myself on you, only wish for your continued presence, in any form, in any manner, that you consider good for my growth....though I want to say that...being a human, it is easier for me to comprehend better, a connection that I can feel beyond doubt, because my thought processes are highly negative and prone to assuming the worst , i.e. losing your grace, which is very disorienting for me, as a moral being who has to face his death someday. I am way beyond questions like 'Is there an afterlife?' thanks to you and Ms XY.
You lifted a frog (me) out of the well and showed him the vast, rich expanse out there....and you wanted to keep the frog (me) out of the well, but the frog (me) slipped back into the well of earthly existence. I regret this and am frightened of humans..
You would probably be better aware of the dynamics and history between Ms XY and me. All I know is that I got the undeniable, indisputable feeling that she has known me for a time scale much much wider than the expected human lifespan
..and her human form Ms Y is the not her real identity...
Just like my true identity would not be 'Vikram' but something that spans a length wider than the average human lifespan, on the scale of time.
I cannot feel her presence currently...and I really wonder how you and Ms XY look upon me now...
This letter is not a demand or complaint, once again..
I received your and Ms XY's amazing priceless gifts twenty years back, out of the blue, when I did not even know that higher realities existed.
A new, excessively beautiful and kind and SANE higher world revealed itself to me, thanks to you and Ms XY, at a time when I had no clue about such things. So this letter is to keep alive the memories and the connection with you that in my human mind, started twenty years back.
In closure, I want to say that I trust your methods more than my limited perspective on how your methods should be.
From my side, I will periodically write letters to you. To express my gratitude and to pray for your guidance. Thank you for the grace. Humans, including me need grace. We will not be able to make it without grace, neither in human life, nor in the afterlife.
Best wishes
Yours sincerly