I don't know how it happens, but it just happens. No books can teach you how, no one can explain why, but it comes. 'The peace that passeth all understanding'.
My experience with this 'peace that passeth all understanding' is that it has a beautiful tinge of silver to it. When I say silver, I mean the 'feeling' that this peace is silvery in nature. Very difficult to explain in words, but it is beautiful and intense, silent and calm.
My experience reminds me of a book I read recently. A book on Tibetan Buddhism named 'Luminous Emptiness' by Francesca Fremantle, an associate of Chogyam Trungpa, the founder of Naropa University. This book talks of 'wrathful compassion' and 'crazy wisdom' that it's deities/dakinis use, to 'force' their student into stillness and mental peace.
The author talks of 'sanity and insanity' working simultaneously, 'cruelty and compassion' working together. Under ordinary circumstances, 'sanity and insanity' working together is nonsense, it is just insanity.
But, under special circumstances, when there is love and trust between the partners, sanity and insanity working together can do wonders, like Francesca Fremantle explains.
The thread of love holds people together, when 'sanity-insanity' operates. Without love, it would all be insanity.
When sanity and insanity, cruelty and compassion, all work together in the envelope of love, 'peace that passeth all understanding' starts manifesting, for brief periods at first, and slowly the time for which this peace stays keeps on increasing. But only if you don't expect it to.
Human relationships are sane and insane, both. There is cruelty in them, there is compassion in them, both at the same time. But this is immature love.
In mature love, there can be no cruelty, no revenge, no brutality. Love is not about beating each other black and blue(emotionally or physically) and then weeping and crying and apologising later.
If love enters the cruel-compassionate-sane-insane relationships that humans strike with each other, they will all heal in time, and 'peace that passeth all understanding' will manifest.
Love can heal everything.
I like the way you write about what love really is, because it rings true. A lot of people confuse love with a lot of different things that it is not. Those who have experienced real love know that it does not live in the ego, but in the space outside of it. Those who truly recognize love already know that it is a state of being, & NOT a hunger, addiction, or desperate need. Love is of a much higher magnitude.
The thing I love about your blog is that I'm constantly finding little gems of ideas to re-examine. Each idea is like a ripple in a pond, which reverberates with new meaning whenever it's approached. ;-)
Jai Sri Ganesh.
Very nice sentence that REAL peace come for no reason. Not to look for peace in world. If peace come, it come on it's own.
So perhaps best not to connect personal distrubance with world event neither. Perhap personal distrubance and personal peace of biology origin. I mean body health origin.
Jai Sri Ganesh.
Good health certainly helps. If I don't exercise I feel low.
But when I do exercise, I feel good and positive, all else remaining same.
But to step beyond 'biology manifesting'...
The human often takes life so seriously, it's almost as if he's convinced he's going to live forever.
It's just a brief journey. We came alone, we'll leave alone. As we came. Without any 'earthly possessions.'
And till that time, I believe life will sustain us, one way or another. I believe, I have faith.
Nothing and absolutely nothing is worth more than our inner peace and balance. For this reason, I avoid attachment to things/people as far as is possible. And it is very much possible.
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