In fact, you can't even draw these shapes if you tried. No machine can ever produce a straight line, since drawing a line would entail giving it a thickness, and a thickness means it's not a 'line'. Further, every machine, no matter how refined, always deviates from its design trajectory.
So the drawn line will have a varying thickness, as well as deviations from the mathematical formula for a line, so, whatever it is... the drawn line is not a 'straight line'.
So if neither man made machines, nor nature produce straight lines, or straight anything - if we apply this concept to 'time' as we think it is ---
----then time flowing at a constant speed, in a 'straight line', progressing neatly from one year to the next -- this might not be true.
Time might be twisted, discontinuous, broken, looping, zig-zagged etc.
And if indeed 'time' has the above mentioned bizarre nature, it only means that the flow of events may not be a neat linear chronology that follows cause and effect.
i.e. the dream perspective... that mystics keep talking about.
Whatever this universe is, it's not what we are traditionally trained to think it is.
I have pondered parallel lives often...and I feel that in case the flow of time is not a 'straight line', and it doesn't look like it is, then there is no reason why time can't flow in parallel streams. That can converge, diverge. Converge again.
Recommended:Is Time a Straight Line
Hey Madan, how are you dude? Liked your thoughts...
Time is consciousness looking ahead, behind or at itself...which is now.
Time is definitely non linear. Time is 3 dimensional. And we have only one window to see it...this moment...the rest are mental time travels. And that's why it always appears skewed to us.
Time is like a woman who will show you her naked face but will not reveal her two inner garments...leaving the mind to pontificate...
Time is a strip of film on which is embedded the entire history of the universe, the history of the rise and fall of mankind. Its the human consciousness which accesses this vast eternal store to look across its three dimensions.
Time is perpetual motion of this moment to the next...silently.
Harish Nair
Dude, I'm fine, nice to hear from you!
Very interesting comment...yes, I'm familiar with the approach that the past is not in the past, but in the NOW. The unfolding of events is multidimensional. Of which, we can only see/comprehend a fraction.
Am reminded of a quote...
'Nothing as far away as one moment ago.'
Time flowing at a constant speed in a straight line can only be an assumption. Perhaps a necessary evil.
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