Wednesday, March 21, 2012

There's No Tomorrow

“We cannot imagine Life without Death, because the entire Life rests on Death" - Sorin Cerin.

This video explains the collective death that stares humans in the face.

Humans walked off the cliff a very long time back. When humans assumed that infinite growth, without decline, is possible.

Everything humans have built is based on the assumption that oil and other natural minerals will always be available in plenty and will fuel growth indefinitely - a wrong assumption.

Our money is 'debt money' - money that can exist only if growth does not stop. If growth stops its upward journey - the financial system will collapse.

Even today, the corporate employee is under pressure to produce short term profits. If he doesn't, he'll be replaced by someone who does.

And short term profits cannot be generated if one works keeping in mind the big picture explained in the video.

Keywords: Peak Oil, Rare Minerals, Debt Money, Severe Resource Crunch.