Many people end up telling themselves 'It's all over. The story of my life is beyond repair.'
The thing is...the 'story' forms in the current moment and reflects emotional states. Human life is like a bunch of movie scenes that nobody is making and nobody is directing since humans do not have free will and are mere dream entities.
All you are looking at is a mirror that continuously shows various emotional states.
If the emotions change, the 'frangmented disjointed movie scenes' will change too. There is no logic, continuity, depth in these human non-stories. All they do is reflect instantaneous emotional states.
What you think your life story is, is not true vision. It is delusion. Hallucination.
"Vision already holds a replacement for everything you think you see now." ACIM Lesson 023.
Reactions in the mind-body should be observed as these statements are read. An unseen layer of tension and resistance may be seen as this blog entry is read.
Real comfort can come from nowhere except from deep within.
And it is ever present.
The 'Buddha within.' is always at peace. The deep, calm, serious, peaceful person who is reading these words...
The Buddha within is your default state. Always was.

'Buddha in My Blood'.

And to all those of you who are suffering very badly...
Here's to the beautiful wonderous dream...which is already unfolding in your life, but you're not able to see it currently due to heavy hallucinations induced by horrible feelings floating in your vicinity...
Yes that is the perfect understanding. We live in appearance and not in reality. And Reality is so close we cannot see it and have not known it for millions of years.
All our life is spent dreaming and we from life to life in dream - never awaking. Enlightenment is awaking and realizing all your life upto now has been but a dream. There is no moment before there is no moment after. This present moment contains all. All of reality is HERE-NOW. it is never gone anywhere, there is no where for it to go.
But we live our lives in sleep and meaningless distractions and so do not see. Our eyes are blinded by form and idols and magical beliefs. These interpose themselves between reality and our awareness of it. Enter the zero is the way and only way to become all. Becoming nothing - you become all. The something that you believe yourself to be is just a piece of pulp fiction with no witnesses but projections of your own split-mind.
Hold onto nothing, become attached no nothing, hold no views, be fluid to each moment and you will see and laugh - for giving up your fictions you gained everything that always IS.
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