Even otherwise, it is very difficult for even a genuine relationship to survive the madness of this world.
I believe it is all due to the immature emotional worlds that humans have. Immature and overtaken by negative feelings and selfishness.
I believe eternal soulmates exist. I believe multiple eternal soulmates also exist...but I feel soulmates will come into a human's life (to stay, once and for all) only after his/her emotional world matures.
Immature (and often selfish and negative) human beings cannot fall into long lasting relationships. So, even if one meets an eternal-soulmate-to-be, the relationship will not last.
But I believe they will meet again, in some other lifetime, when both are ready...and this time it will be eternal**.
By "ready" I mean people who are serious, unselfish, patient, and comfortable with their dark side.
Unselfish at least with the person they claim they love.
I believe that the presence of REAL romantic love can defeat death and turn people into eternal beings.
**I have approached the subject of 'eternal life' in one of my blog entries, 'The Journey'.

In her blog 'The Art Of Intimacy', Jennifer Jones writes "Love is what we do". The complete text of this post can be found here: Love is something that we do.
This makes sense. Because talk is easy...it's the actions that matter. I always found the phrase 'I love you' very corny, and people who use it at the drop of a hat, odd.
Feeling love and allowing it to translate into actions are two different things....real love ALWAYS brings with it real action. Or at least the pure, genuine intention of real action.
Without effort/action, or without the genuine intention of real action, it is not love.
Question:What about goddess worship? Should I not worship the goddess, who is prior to everything, including my soulmate?
Ans: Your soulmate is nothing but the infinite reaching out to you, in a form that melts you...and makes you FEEL life to its proper depths...instilling in you all the qualities that make you a human she can admire.
Your soulmate is your personal goddess. Make no mistake - She IS a real goddess by virtue of her influence over you. She is the infinite one, the one prior to all else, prior even to manifestation.
She is your cosmic mother. And when you are with her, you find yourself saying "I am home!".
Update August 3, 2013:
Some songs to let your imagination drift...
Hi Vikram..
Thanks for this article and your insights.
I completely agree that our world is not exactly a healthy place for relationships to thrive... at least not in the cultures i have observed.
It certainly takes a lot to rise above the nonsense of what surrounds us that often is exactly that which harms our soul and our relationpships.
I think the idea of a "soul mate" is one of those things that is often used to describe that early love... you know? People find each other and are in that dreamy place where they think their partner is perfect.
I think real "soul mates" find a unity and love much, much beyond that initial spark... it is a fire that can never go out!
Thanks Vikram... ohh and thank you so much for sharing my site!
Blessings to you!
Hi Jenn,
You're most welcome.
Ahh yes...the early 'love'. We all have experienced it. What is sometimes called cathexis; its unfortunately just a 'charge', a 'high'.
Everybody wants to believe their partner is perfect, when they are in cathexis. Does't last, unfortunately.
I believe it is possible that love between two people keeps evolving forever. Once two people's love is on an evolving path, it can never die out!
The state of egolessness or what I call 'the egoless ego' is necessary for such a thing to happen.
Else it's not possible, because the ego has 'love' only for itself. Narcism.
I like the way you express it...'a fire that can never go out!'
Have a nice day!
I agree about the Supermodel video being an eyeopener. Thank You for visiting my blog. i hope you are having a great day!
I think I've found mine. Really. I like your site. Earnestly.
We are all non-perfect, but that is what makes us all so darn human.
Hi Day Dreamer,
Thank you for your kind compliment.
yes, we are all non-perfect, there is a certain charm to it. A bit like children growing up!
Hi The Insane Writer,
Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a nice day!
i have thought about this post on and off all month.. oh how i wish it was part of my belief system,, and not just what i hope will happen... i cannot express this anymore poignantly... but i do wish i could believe.......
Hi Paisley,
Beliefs was always my favourite topic of discussion!
I feel that one's experience and judgement, in time, takes over and the truth separates itself from non-truths.
This silent knowing that collects in the person, as he leads his/her life, observes the world---this 'silent knowing' grows automatically.
An example of the silent knowing:
Sometimes, while talking, a person feels surprised at the WISDOM of what he has just said. And wonders how he/she knows this. This is the 'silent knowing' manifesting.
Of course, wise words don't come out everytime we talk! I find myself repenting what I have said, many times. No comments on what this is!!
Have a nice day!
Comment by Enigma (in Cbox)-----I greatly enjoyed your views on soulmates. No body has been able to captivate me for as long as you have when discussing the topic of soulmates. You get a gold star ;-)
You may appreciate the latest blog entry at http://ecumenicalbuddhism.blogspot.com/ which speaks of the concept of soulmates in various religions and philosophies.
Congrats on your own domain! That is a fantastic post. I can relate a lot to what you've written here and don't get me started on this song :)
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