12:00 1) How do my thoughts feel?
2) HOw do my desires feel?
3) Where do these things originate?
"Each of us is programmed to think that our thoughts are true. We can easily see if someone else's thoughts aren't true but we think all our thoughts are true and correct." - Gina Lake, 14:00, "A Talk by Gina Lake About Acceptance".
This is such a revolutionary, radical realisation, that it can change one's life. But you have to keep seeing it, realising it continuously, with each thought that pops up. A new umbrella of consciousness, a new envelope of consciousness, a new dimension has to come in, that holds this realisation in its awareness continuously, in the NOW.
Such a dimension, such an umbrella can certainly form, once the seed is sown. And now that you know all this, consider the seed sown. Come back to these words as often as you can and when you do that, it would be like watering and nourishing the seed we have sown in you.
Sunday, February 01, 2015
Gentle Pointers To The Truth (Gina Lake)
Labels: Gina-Lake
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Stop Catastrophising (Teal Swan)
Quote Teal Swan from video (below):
STEP 10: Begin to think positively about whatever it is that you are worrying about. I know you're listening to this and probably thinking how incredibly obnoxious this idea is, like positive focus is going to do anything about me and my issue of worry. I know exactly where you're coming from. But hang with me for a minute. I am not asking you to lie to yourself. I am asking you to look for ways to feel better about the thing you are worrying about.
When you are suffering from this kind of a condition where you are constantly expecting the worst case scenario, you have a lot of healing to do with your emotional body because that is the one that continues to be a match to all of these negative experiences coming into your reality; that's where that expectation is contained, of what you are meant to experience in this life, whether it be positive or whether it be negative.
You have to realise that the reality of life is that we don't know what the future contains; this is painful because it means that our future could contain uncomfortable things we don't want to experience; but we can use the same uncertainty to our advantage - by flipping it around. We can't know that bad things won't happen, but we also can't know that GOOD things wont' happen.
So you can't know, 100%, without the shadow of a doubt, that that bad thing you are expecting to happen, will actually happen.
Reflect back on the times when you thought the worst case scenario was going to happen but it didn't. I want you to make a list of all of the times you were wrong about the worst case scenario. The reason is that our brain sometimes needs to see the proof that its complete conviction and addiction to the idea that everything is going to go bad for it isn't accurate.
Just because you have experienced tragedies in the past, does not mean they will happen in the future.
Worriers tend to focus on the problem incessessantly and resist the fact that a harmless or mildly negative outcome is possible.
How to heal the emotional body:
"That's all you need do, is get through one more day. And the next. Don't look any further than that. If you can just give yourself one day. 24 hours. No, you're not going to feel magically better. No, it's not going to be much easier tomorrow. But one day is sometimes all it takes to get to the next day. And the next. Before you know it, 10 days have passed."
Labels: Teal Scott
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Gina Lake Quotes on Ego
"The ego is not actually a thing. It's nothing real. It is just a sense of separateness that manifests as fear and operates to protect the self in a primitive, animalistic way. Fear is the antithesis of love. So the ego is out for itself (I guess you could say it loves itself, but it isn't actually an "it") and the ego doesn't see its connection to the whole or to Oneness. It sees itself as odds with others, so it has difficulty loving."
"“Much of the commentary that goes through people’s minds is a chain of thoughts designed to get them to take action in directions that will yield greater power, control, safety, security, pleasure, recognition, and comfort, all things the ego esteems. There is nothing wrong with these things, but there is much more to life. The false self doesn’t know how to create a happy, loving life. The life it creates is lopsided and detached from what brings true meaning to life.” –From The Jesus Trilogy.
A belief is a thought, and a thought can only remain in existence if you give it attention. If you give a thought attention, you breathe life into it. Beliefs are thoughts that you have given so much attention to that you now firmly believe them. Without your attention, a thought cannot live for very long, and without your repeated attention, a thought cannot become a belief. You are very powerful! You animate and maintain the false self with your attention. You breathe life into the false self by giving your thoughts repeated attention. Without this attention, thoughts wither and beliefs fade away.” –From The Jesus Trilogy
Labels: Gina-Lake